Your Step-By-Step Guide To Never Stressing About Hosting Others Again

Imagine if you didn’t have to go through the cleaning marathon or exhaust yourself every time someone wanted to come over?

What if you could feel confident ministering to others in your home and actually invite your family into the process?

With this course, you’ll go from overwhelmed before the door bell rings to calm and excited to see the car pull up in the driveway!

Here's The Untold Truth About Hospitality

Hosting does not need to look like you having the most “Pinterest” perfect home, tons of money and a big house.

Hosting doesn’t always have to look like you running around barking orders at your family trying to get them onboard with having company.

It is possible to enjoy little prep leading up to hosting.

Biblical hospitality should be a joy.

It will require a sacrifice of time but you’ll quickly find it to be well worth the effort and does not need to be difficult.



Save $19 when you buy in full

If you need to make payments you can purchase for 4 payments of $29 (see above)

Biblical Hospitality

You’ll learn what the Bible has to say about hospitality, how to prepare your heart to serve others and how you can glorify God in hosting others in your home.

Prepare Your Home To Host

You’ll learn how to get rid of clutter in your hosting areas and how to find a cleaning routine you can actually stick to.

Preparing Food Made Easy

You’ll receive fool-proof tips and ideas to create simple, pleasing meals that you can prepare in little time.

Example Curriculum

This is only a sample of 1 Module!

Module 2: Simplifying Food for Easier Hosting

Module 3: Cleaning to Make Hosting Easier

Module 4: Decluttering to Simplify Hosting

  MODULE 1: Biblical Hospitality, Mindset, & Heart Level Work
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 2: Preparing Food Made Easy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 3: Consistent Cleaning Routines
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Decluttering for Easier Hosting
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  30 Days to Simplified Hospitality Challange
Available in days
days after you enroll

Hi, I’m Marcie Fowler.

I teach women how to host others in their homes.

After 10 years of hosting I was able to figure out how to stop running around barking orders at my family to instead enjoying little prep leading up to hosting.

I used to find myself running around like a chicken with my head cut off the days and hours before guest arrived. 

With this system I have been able to completely change the way I prepare to host others and get off the overwhelm hamster wheel I used to be on.

I believe the same can happen for you and I'm here to help.

Simplified Hospitality Course

Simplified Hospitality Course


The Simplified Hospitality Course:

Quick audio lessons walking you through how to take stress out of hosting.


checklists, pdfs, video lessons, 30 Days to Hospitality Video Challenge


mini course on how to show hostility while socially distancing


private Facebook group access to ask any hosting question you have + free monthly hosting training from me!

Completely Change The Way You Practice Hospitality

It's time to stop worrying about what you should be cooking while hosting others.

It's time to discover all the memories you'll make with the people you host in your home.

It's time to position yourself to be used by God to demonstrate his heart for servanthood.

With Simplified Hospitality, you’ll learn the basics of practicing hospitality and feel confident in ministering to others in your home.